Awana Clubs
Ken & Melinda Cogley
"Melinda and Ken serve churches with Awana in Northern Ohio. They have been missionaries since November of 2009." |
"The vision of Christar is to cultivate Christ-honoring transformation in communities where He is yet to be worshiped."
H2O Church
Zach & Laura Obrecht
"H2O Church is a community of college students that provides an environment for spiritual growth, service opportunities, and an atmosphere for all people to explore spiritual questions."
"H2O Church is a community of college students that provides an environment for spiritual growth, service opportunities, and an atmosphere for all people to explore spiritual questions."
Mission to Amish People
Joe & Esther Keim
"Mission to Amish People is a site dedicated to sharing information about ministries, services, testimonies, and opportunities to Amish and non-Amish (English) communities alike. There is a threefold purpose of Mission to Amish People."
"Mission to Amish People is a site dedicated to sharing information about ministries, services, testimonies, and opportunities to Amish and non-Amish (English) communities alike. There is a threefold purpose of Mission to Amish People."
Merrill Ministries
Randy & Tricia Merrill
"In the spring of 1992, after preaching a six-month sermon series on Abraham—a man of faith who obeyed and transported his family wherever God led—Randy started the Second Generation Musical Merrill Ministry Team (now called the Merrill Evangelistic Team)." |
Word of Life
Steve & Sue Oswald
"Sue and I have a passion to reach today's youth through evangelism, discipleship, and leadership training. All three are important if we are to reach as many as possible. We want to do whatever we can to help local churches develop vibrant youth and children's ministries."
"Sue and I have a passion to reach today's youth through evangelism, discipleship, and leadership training. All three are important if we are to reach as many as possible. We want to do whatever we can to help local churches develop vibrant youth and children's ministries."